Even if you are not looking to reupholster any furniture, we can still help you find a perfect fabric for whatever your project might be.
All we will need is the name of the fabric, color/pattern, and yardage desired for us to get you a quote within 24 business hours. Our prices are often up to 50% below retail prices and online fabric stores. Delivery right to your house or business. Avant Garde Fabric B. Berger Barrow Beacon Hill Brunschwig & Fils Burch Fabrics CF Stinson Charlotte Fabrics Duralee Fabric Fabricade Fabricut GP & J Baker Green House Fabrics JF Fabrics Kravet Fabric Lady Ann Fabrics Lee Jofa Luxury Fabrics Maxwell Fabrics Mayers Fabrics Robert Allen Design Romo Fabric S. Harris Stout Stroheim Vervain |